Nobody likes it, but why? As a middle school student, Common Core is a huge waste of time! However, if you aren’t a middle school student you probably have no idea on what Common Core is.

In simpler words, common core makes you explain ALL of your thinking, nobody what it is. In math the most. I am not kidding, if you multiply 2 by 2, Common Core will make you explain how you got your answer. To make things even worse, you have to participate with more of your classmates on quizzes. These are called partner quizzes which are HORRIBLE.  Usually, one partner ends up doing all of the work.

Common Core also includes LOTS and LOTS of pointless tests.

Also, the problems and stories you are forced to read do not make any sense! They have nothing to do with what you are learning about and, again, make no sense! However the writer of the books make you solve these horrible questions. If you didn’t know, in California, almost all public schools have switched to SBAC testing, or smarter balanced testing. They have also switched the math textbooks! Below is a pretty exact example of a average Common Core math question. See what I mean?

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